New short story, Proteksiye and Mazel in Camel Magazine
I’m really excited to have a new short story, Protesksiye and Mazel, from my upcoming Guernica Editions collection in the new issue of CAMEL, an illustrated journal of narrative ❤️📚Working with incredible editors like Clarissa Hurley and Mark Anthony Jarman was a dream. They were both so detailed and thoughtful. The story is based on the Holocaust diary of Ilya Gerber, a teenage artist who kept a diary of his life in the Kovno Ghetto in Lithuania. There’s an incredible collection of diaries edited by Alexandra Zapruder called Salvaged Pages, where I read his. I wrote from the point of view of his fictional sister, because I found him so unique and interesting that I wanted someone to survive him and remember him. I’m honoured too to have artwork in this issue, and to be in the company of such incredible writers including Alix Ohlin ❤️📚🐪 check out Camel, they’re amazing ❤️
