For All the Men (and Some of the Women I've Known) reissue by Guernica Editions in 2025
My last collection of short stories, For All the Men (and Some of the Women) I’ve Known was published in 2016. I’m so grateful for the support it received, from members of the writing community, from readers and from everyone at my previous publisher, Tightrope Books. For All the Men… was a finalist for the Trillium Book awards and for The Vine Awards for Canadian Jewish literature, and both of those things were life changing, and I’m still so grateful.
After Tightrope Books folded, I was so sad (they also published my first collection, 2010’s got no secrets, and I’m grateful to them for so much)
So I’m really excited and delighted to share that my amazing publisher Guernica Editions is reissuing For All The Men (Some of the Women) I’ve Known in 2025 and it’ll be back in print and available everywhere next year. Working with @guernicaeditions is so amazing in every way, and I’m thrilled to be working on another book with them (in addition to Things That Cause Inappropriate Happiness and my upcoming 2025 novel A Place Like For People Like Us )
It’ll be available in stores and online next year, along with my new novel