Reading at Drunk Fiction Reading Series
I had such a wonderful time reading in Toronto, from my Guernica Editions short story collection Things That Cause Inappropriate...
New York launch at the Palace Reading Series
I had such an amazing time reading at the Palace Reading Series, at Greenpoint Palace in Brooklyn, New York. I’m so happy and moved to...
Things that Cause Inappropriate Happiness in Indigo Eaton Centre's Discover Your Community Display
It was such a delight to see Things That Cause Inappropriate Happiness on display at Indigo Eaton Centre in the Discover Your Community...
Some of my favourite short story collections of the year on the 49th Shelf
It was such a joy and delight (as it always is) to get to compile this list of some of some of my favourite short story collections of...
Things that Cause Inappropriate Happiness reviewed in the Seaboard Review
Thank you so much to Ian Colford of The Seaboard Review for this incredibly generous and thoughtful review of my Guernica Editions...
Literary Modiin
It was wonderful to read from Things that Cause Inappropriate Happiness at Literary Modi'in, alongside the wonderful Ellis Shuman (author...
Victoria launch for Things that Cause Inappropriate Happiness
I had such a wonderful time reading in Victoria at the Wild Prose Writer's Series. Thank you so much to the wonderful Susan Sanford...
Vancouver launch for Things That Cause Inappropriate Happiness
Visiting Vancouver was amazing. I loved getting to read at Vancouver Public Library. It was such a beautiful building, and it was...
For All the Men (and Some of the Women I've Known) reissue by Guernica Editions in 2025
My last collection of short stories, For All the Men (and Some of the Women) I’ve Known was published in 2016. I’m so grateful for the...
Vancouver and Victoria readings for Things that Cause Inappropriate Happiness
I’m incredibly excited to be travelling to Vancouver and Victoria BC next week to read from my Guernica Editions short story collection...